If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or identity-based hate or discrimination, please report it using our incident form below. The information you provide will be shared with both ADL and JGO for their respective review. ADL will do our best to assess the information you have provided and offer support where possible. You understand, however, that ADL makes no guarantees that any action regarding the incident reported will be taken and if action is taken, what the outcome will be. If this is an emergency and you fear for your safety or the safety of another person, please dial 911.
Incidents reported through this form will be reported to and evaluated (independently) by ADL and JGO. Either or both organizations may follow up (separately) when appropriate to gather more information or provide assistance. The reports will also be evaluated for possible inclusion (without using your name) in ADL's Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, an annual compilation of incidents of antisemitic harassment, vandalism, and assault in the United States.